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27th May 2024
Wormhout Twinning Visit



The Twinning between LLandudno and Wormhout was established to ensure that

the events that occurred in 1940 in the lead up to the Dunkirk Evacuation during

the Second World War are not forgotten,

when German SS Soldiers captured up to 100 British soldiers, including

 eight Llandudno men that were killed in the French village of Wormhout



Further reading:

(An article written by the Home Front Museum, taken from the Wormhout Facebook page - click me) 



It was a pleasure to be able to host this years contingent, with a fun day of Croquet

Let the fun begin.., With a welcome interlude our guests embark on a morning of Croquet

Tweedleydee - what's happening here ?

With a wack and a prayer!.,

Roy blesses the balls - and red goes for blue

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee - Linda and Jean skip onto the lawn

John er um, the Mad Hatter looks on.., while our rabbit takes a rest

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(Don't forget  to check out our our facebook page too!

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